Sen - Yung Hsieh
Chang Gung University
Professor Sen-Yung Hsieh earned his MD degree from the National Yang Ming University in 1983, and obtained his PhD in Molecular Virology and Pathology from University of Pennsylvania in 1991. He received his clinical training in internal medicine, and subsequent a specialty in hepatogastroenterology in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linko, Taiwan. He initially focused on the molecular virology and epidemiology of human hepatitis viruses. His team for the first time identified the zoonotic transmission of hepatitis E virus from swine to humans in 1998, which was later found in other wild and domestic animals as natural reservoirs for sporadic hepatitis E in Japan, western countries, and other parts of the world. Currently, Dr. Hsieh is interested in elucidation the molecular mechanisms involving in carcinogenesis of human hepatoma. By integration of both functional genomics and molecular and cellular biology, he has identified novel oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and pathways that play significant roles in oncogenesis of human hepatoma. His works have been published in J Virology, Nucleic Acid Res, PNAS, Cancer Research, Oncogene, Proteomics, J Proteome Res, Mol Cell Proteomics, J Hepatology, and Hepatology
Research Interest
Hepatocellular carcinoma: carcinogenesis mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatments